
“Things are finally going my way. In fact, they’re going great! I have a chance to live after all! ”

-Andy Weir, The Martian

 For a year I became invisible to most of my peers and some of my friends and loved ones. My passions of writing, traveling, and great debates with those I trust sat on the back burner with no one or nothing to stir the pot to bring them alive again. I wrapped myself into a cocoon so strong that nothing could pierce it.

Looking back, I know why. My husband of just a few short years ended up residing in the VA Home due to his lack of mobility and deepening dementia. We had been married for six short years, and I felt cheated for not having his companionship and partnership any longer. I visited him once a week, brought him his favorite, a Whataburger Cheeseburger, and we'd visit until he tired out and needed to sleep, about an hour. Until my health prevented me from driving the 100 miles round trip, we relied on FaceTime - when he answered his phone.

To keep my sanity in place and to feel not so lonely, I volunteered to chair the Women Writing the West Virtual Conference, held in October of last year. I love organizing stuff and building committees that allow people to self-manage. They did an excellent job of bringing to life a fabulous virtual conference with workshops led by nationally-known leaders delivering various topics surrounding the craft of writing.

Immediately after the conference was over, I began the task of downsizing my 3200 square foot two-story home to squeeze it into a 1900 sq ft house. This meant going through my husband of six years' stuff, which resided on the second floor. Over 20,000 sea shells tucked into nine cabinets and his personal stuff that I had no idea whether to keep - he wasn't there to help guide me. A very emotional time - but now I have five boxes in my new garage waiting for his daughter to come and get them. After an estate sale, boxing up what was left, prepping the home for sale, and finding a new home suitable for one person in a hot market where investors bid higher than me, I finally landed on new construction in a new neighborhood with the pool across the street from me. 

By the time I moved into my new home and unpacked, I was tired. My brain wasn't firing as it should, lots of naps were taken, and while thoughts of writing crept in, the energy to do so was too much.

And now - I am refreshed, re-energized, and WRITING again! You can keep up with the journey of writing North of Normal (sequel to Success Is the Best Revenge) here.

Thank you all, dear readers, for allowing me the space to hide for a while.



Meet Toby, My Editor-in-Chief


Love Shouldn’t Hurt