
Noise, Noise, Noise!

Nope, it’s not my phone, nor email, nor nor Toby nor browsing the ‘net that is distracting me from my writing.

This week I have been at my laptop every morning, ready to put more words into North of Normal. I feel good about the day’s word plan, so after a few more sips of my coffee, while it’s hot, my fingers are poised above the keyboard, ready to pound out the day's first words.

Did I tell you my office has this great window facing the front, providing excellent light and letting me know what is happening in the neighborhood?

Before I can type one letter, my eyes are drawn to the window by the guys showing up for work on the house they are building next to me. Oh, and the home they are building right next to that house. So, of course, I rest my hands, drink some more coffee and watch what they are doing. The painters showed up this morning. I like the painters; they are quiet when they work.

Turning my attention back to my manuscript, words flew from my fingers, the story unwinding from my brain to the page. I broke for more coffee and sat on my new patio, my happy place. But that is a different part of the story….

The break was over, and now back in the office, a new crew showed up. I watched as they prepared for the next step but got bored and went back to my typing. All of a sudden, hammering, skill saws buzzing, and a noisy machine that dug the trenches where the irrigation system is to be infiltrated my concentration. That machine vibrated the ground so much that my teeth chattered! I could hear their lively music over all the machine's noise, and the bass pounded in my head. That ended my writing for yesterday and the same for today.

Not only that, but I have to clean my front yard of their trash every day. Grrrrr.

I suppose I should be more tolerant - these guys did such a good job building my house - so I think I will cut them some slack in the future and go to Panera to write. I’m sure my frustration, vibration, and head pounding will disappear!

So, the question is, how close and I getting to typing THE END in North of Normal?

It’s getting there :)

Until the next time,

Toby and Kathy


October = Domestic Violence Awareness


Meet Toby, My Editor-in-Chief