Finally My Novel Had a Birthday!


After a lifetime of planning, plotting, and letting life get in my way,  four years ago I was able to sit down and write this story. I had intended to write it as a memoir, but the pain revisiting the events was too great – it ended up being an outline of what had happened instead of inviting the reader to engage with the story. After a lot of craft workshops, and breaking the bank buying and reading craft books, I still couldn’t let go of the stiffness of my writing.

And then Sara appeared and became my Muse. She agreed to be the protagonist in the story, if I would just write it. So, write it I did, with her guiding my fingers on the keyboard.

At first I was afraid to write my story, but I did anyway.

And then I was afraid to publish it, but I did anyway.

And then I was afraid to look at the reviews by readers, but I did anyway.

I’m not afraid anymore.

It feels almost surreal to read the reviews – are they really talking about my book?

“A friend recommended this book, and I’m glad she did. As someone who worked as a volunteer on a crisis line, it’s good to see a book address not only the problem, but follow someone as she moves on to a solution–and asks all the why questions later. Because of the title I read through the disturbing chapters with hope that the author would eventually untangle legal and financial issues and start her path to her new life. This is a raw story, but so well told.

I couldn’t put this book down! Kathy Sechrist is a talented author who writes in a way that envelopes you in the story. I so admire the courage and vulnerability it took to share those heartbreaking but inspiring story of Sara. The ending left me on such a high note, I wish the story could’ve continued a bit longer. It’s a great book. Well done, Kathy!”


How Could You Write It?